Medicaid Lawyer for Nursing Home Care
Don’t Lose Your Life Savings to a Nursing Home!
There is Help – Call (407) 478-8700 to Get Started
As an experienced Medicaid Planning Lawyer and Florida Bar Board Certified Elder Law attorney, I and my firm help clients contemplating a future or immediate move to a nursing home, as well as those already in nursing homes, through:
- Meeting with clients to understanding goals and objectives
- Reviewing assets and answering questions
- Developing plans designed to secure eligible benefits
How Can We Help with Your Nursing Home Medicaid Needs?
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Founder and Medicaid Attorney for Nursing Home Planning Kathleen Flammia
Kathleen Flammia
"As a Medicaid Lawyer, I would invite you to call me to learn how I can help you or a loved one plan for the potentially high cost of a nursing home." Florida Bar Board Certified Elder Law Attorney
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