Orlando Attorney: Don’t Put Your Name on Your Kid’s Car Title
I see it all the time as an Orlando attorney. Parents jointly title their adult kid’s car with their name because it’s the only way they can buy the vehicle or they feel like it makes their child safer. After all, with your name on the car, that means that you can protect them, right?
Don’t do it.
Why not? Because if your kid gets into an accident, jointly titling the car with your name means that the other driver can not only go after your kid for money, they can sue you.
Orlando Attorney: Protect Yourself to Protect Your Child
If it’s an issue of them not being able to afford the car alone and you wanting to have some ownership for helping them out, forget it. Tell them to find a cheaper car or have them pay you back in some other way. If it’s about protecting them, start by thinking about yourself first.
Keeping your name off of the title paperwork helps you to protect your assets and avoid getting sued for your adult child’s mistake. You’ll actually be better able to help them, because it will keep the other driver from emptying your bank accounts, too.
Of course, if your child is under 18, you won’t have this option because a joint title is required. That doesn’t mean you can’t protect your assets, though.
Orlando Attorney: Protect Your Assets Even with Underage Drivers
When you have underage drivers in your household, it can be nerve-wracking on a number of levels. You worry about your baby dealing with other crazy drivers. You fret over them making responsible choices. And you’re far less excited than they are about all the new found freedom they have now that they can drive.
There’s a lot that’s left up to your child, but one thing you can control is the amount of insurance they have. Just in case anything happens, it’s important that underage drivers in your household are fully covered with excellent insurance. It may cost more for the payment, but it’s a lot better than having to pay for tens of thousands in damages if they’re underinsured.
If you’d like to talk more about how to handle the legal matters related to your child’s first car, talk to an Orlando attorney with experience in those kinds of matters.