Category: Elder Law

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Late-Life Anxiety is Common – and Treatable

December 22, 2016

Anxiety occurs in older Americans with surprising frequency. Some reports estimate between 10 and 20% of seniors have generalized anxiety. This number could be even higher, as many often deny having psychological issues when asked by their doctors, focusing more…


Preventing Dehydration in the Elderly

November 30, 2016

Our bodies become dehydrated when we lose more water than we take in. Staying hydrated allows the body to regulate temperature through perspiration, maintain blood pressure and eliminate waste. Dehydration may show only small signs outwardly, but it can have…


What Our Clients Say

Three gold stars for all of you. You worked hard for us. We really appreciate all you have done for us. We had a lot going on and with your help we finally got it together. You all know what you are doing. Our thanks to all of you.

Past Client

Comprehensive and flexible approach to estate planning. Easy to work with.


Kathleen and her team made the process of setting up our wills very easy! Thanks for giving us great peace of mind!

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